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Casaverde Rojas, J. (1977).  El trueque en la economía pastoril. (Flores Ochoa, Jorge A., Ed.).Pastores de puna: Uywamichiq punarunakuna. 5, 168-191.
Fink, J. H. (1987).  The emplacement of silicic domes and lava flows. (The Society, Ed.).Geological Society of America Special Paper 212. vii, 145.
Nielsen, A. E. (2001).  Ethnoarchaeological Perspectives on Caravan Trade in the South-Central Andes. (Kuznar, Lawrence A., Ed.).Ethnoarchaeology of Andean South America: Contributions to archaeological method and theory. 4, 163-201.
Kantner, J. (1996).  An evaluation of Chaco Anasazi roadways. Society for American Archaeology. 1-22.