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Zeitlin, R. N., & Heimbuch R. C. (1978).  Trace element analysis and the archaeoogical study of obsidian procurement in Precolumbian Mesoamerica. (Davis, D. D., Ed.).Lithics and Subsistence: The analysis of stone tool use in prehistoric economies. 20,
Oberem, U. (1985).  Trade and trade goods in the Ecuadorian montaña. (Lyon, Patricia J., Ed.).Native South Americans: Ethnology of the least known continent. 346-358.
Davis, J. T. (1961).  Trade routes and economic exchange among the Indians of California.. University of California Archaeological Survey, Report 54. 1-71.
Polanyi, K. (1975).  Traders and Trade. (Sabloff, Jeremy A., Lamberg-Karlovsky, C. C., Ed.).Ancient Civilization and Trade. 133-154.